A Sustainable Style Guide for Chic Bamboo Clothing - NOT LABELED

A Sustainable Style Guide for Chic Bamboo Clothing

Posted by NOT LABELED on

Fashion and environmentalism don’t have to be polar opposites. Let’s face the obvious. We live in times where fast fashion is unsuitable for the sustainability of our ecology. Nowadays, becoming a conscious consumer is a task that we are all faced with. Bamboo clothing is one stylish solution for people who want to place more love and attention on their wardrobe and the world at large. 

Since our spending habits hold much of our power, Not Labeled was born as an alternative to fast fashion. Here’s what you need to know.

Fast Fashion Is Dangerous, Bamboo Clothing Is Harmless

Let’s start with the basics. Fast fashion is inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers for the latest trends. These are the clothes you commonly find in shops. The problem with continuing to buy cheap, mass-market-produced clothes is clear. By spending our money, which is our energy, we end up blindly contributing to the pollution of the Earth.

The Earth is in critical times. In fact, the future of our planet depends largely on us reducing our over-consuming and overspending blindly. But as a society, we have been taught to “need” new things constantly. The fast fashion industry, unfortunately, is one of the models that has taught us to buy new clothes persistently. 

The reason you can find $11 USD pants at fast fashion brands is that they produce in bulk quantities to get the prices down. What happens here is that these big corporations bargain with factory owners to lower the prices even more. Ultimately, this results in wage theft, worker harassment, diseases due to toxic chemical use, and poverty. For the planet, this means increased greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, as well as resource and soil depletion.

What’s the Solution?

Now, what’s the solution? Bamboo clothing. Because bamboo is a renewable and fast-growing plant requiring minimal resources (compared to cotton), its use in fashion reduces the harmful effects of chemicals. It naturally thrives without the need for pesticides, which today is a leading factor in the pollution affecting our health and the planet’s longevity. Bamboo clothing is extremely durable, with soft and smooth textures ensuring comfort that is long-lasting. 

Moreover, bamboo fabric is versatile in that its fibers contain moisture-wicking properties, allowing air circulation. It’s sensitive to the skin, acting as a natural hypoallergenic. 

To learn more about Bamboo’s timelessness, eco-friendliness, and environmental benefits, give our Clothing As An Alternative To Fast Fashion article a read.

Sustainable Clothing Style Guide Tips

A mindset that acknowledges the importance of building a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe means a shift toward buying less but buying better. Quality over quantity! You can start by: 

  • Tracking what you already own
  • Restyling your wardrobe by getting creative with new combinations
  • Getting to know the designs of pieces that are truly flattering
  • Identifying what clothing will fill the gaps in your style

All in all, becoming a conscious and ethical consumer means shopping with a purpose instead of spending wasted money and time.

Care For Your Bamboo Clothes

The benefit of buying higher-quality clothing is that you’ll be compelled to care for them, meaning they’ll last longer. Imagine having a closet full of precious pieces that excite you and that you get to wear with pride, knowing you’re making a difference. 

Following the instructions regarding washing, drying, and ironing bamboo clothing to maintain its quality will connect you with the essence of your clothes. Imagine how many hands a certain piece went through to get to you. Adopting this caring consciousness is what makes a chic style durable.

Invest in Sustainable Clothing Brands

Developing a closer relationship with your clothing begins by owning pieces you feel good about. Look for brands that are transparent about their ethics. Additionally, ensure they pay living wages, offer benefits to their workers, and give back to the community. 

Not Labeled is committed to providing our customers with ethical, exquisite, comfortable, and sustainable clothing. We challenge the traditional notions of fashion labels, hence our name. Fashion and sustainability can indeed coexist. It’s our mission to help people become more intentional about their style. 

We care about nature – sustainability isn’t just a catchphrase for us. Our environmentally-friendly clothing promotes health and wellness while remaining affordable so you can enjoy purposeful fabrics. Together, we get to create a more beautiful world with our style and ethics. Start shopping today!

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